"Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method"
by Pavel Solin (J. Wiley & Sons, 2005)
More recently found errors
Page 129: Misplaced parentheses in (4.12). Page 144: In the definition of bubble functions (4.37), second \xi_1
on the right-hand side should always be replaced with \xi_2, exactly as
it is in (4.36). Page 157: The reference map should be inverse in (4.52).
(Thanks to Luca Carlon, University of Padua, Italy).
Page 395: The interval [0, pi] in Definition A.43 should be closed. (Thanks
to Cesar Garza, UTEP).
Page 401: Above Fig. A.29, there should be "The functions g_n" instead of
"The functions q_n". (Thanks to Cesar Garza, UTEP).
Page 44: In Exercise 1.22, assume that $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} u(x,t) dx$ is
finite for all t.
Page 294: In the proof of Lemma 7.1, the last sentence should begin
"Thus $\varphi$ is constant..." instead of "Thus $e_T$ is constant...".
Also, on page 297: "Thus is we choose..." should be replaced by
"Thus if we choose".
(Thanks to Maxim Pisarenco, Eindhoven University of Technology,
the Netherlands).
Page 330: In the proof of Lemma A.7, after we calculate v_n
from the last equation and insert it to the first n equations,
v_n can no longer be present in these n equations (which is
the case in the system on the bottom of page 330). This is
a typo - please delete the terms with v_n from the system on the
bottom of page 330. (Thanks to Immanuel Anjam, University of Jyvaskyla,
Page 133: In the first lines of formulae (4.23) and (4.24),
an extra gradient symbol is present in front of the test function v_i.
The first lines should be identical to the first line of relation
(4.21) (Thanks to Luca Carlon, University of Padua, Italy).
Page 400: The formula on the bottom of the page was constructed after
leaving out all even functions of the basis (A.74). The enumeration of
functions in this formula does not correspond to the elements of basis
(A.74), but to the elements of the reduced basis (the sine functions
only). The same is done in the Matlab script on the top of page 401.
(Thanks to Ivan Vargas, University of Texas at El Paso).
Errors discovered longer time ago
The following pages contained typos and have been updated in later
printings. Depending on when you bought the book, these error may or
may not be present in your copy:
page 2,
page 48,
page 80,
page 81,
page 82,
page 91,
page 210,
page 211,
page 212,
page 213,
page 215,
page 286,
page 343,
page 354,
page 369,
page 385,
page 388,
page 390,
page 394,
page 400,
page 447.
If you found a mistake which has not been corrected above,
please send it to me -- thank you for your help!